Access to the VTrak File System is controlled by several mechanisms:

1. Fibre Channel WWPN:

a. The VTrak A-Class file system metadata LUN is not exposed to the outside world, so it is not visible to any workstation connected to the Fibre Channel SAN. For other products, such as StorNext, Xsan, MetaSAN, etc, the metadata LUN is exposed to any workstation connected to the FC SAN. 

b. The VTrak A-Class file system data LUNs are only exposed to FC workstations that have been added as a client to the A-Class SAN. For other products, such as StorNext, Xsan, MetaSAN, etc, the data LUNs are exposed to any workstation connected to the FC SAN. 

c. The VTrakFS data volume is only exposed to A-Class SAN clients that have been granted file system access privileges provided by the IP level access control. For other products, such as StorNext, Xsan, MetaSAN, etc, the file system data Volume is visible to any workstation connected to the FC SAN without granting specific access.

This level of protection is unique to the PROMISE A-Class.

2. Client IP Address:

Mounting the file system and any specific folders can be granted by adding the IP address of a workstation to the SAN. This is a common feature for the A-Class and other similar products. The A-Class provides additional security by using FC access control with IP address access control, which is unique to the A-Class.

3. Folders and Files:

This is handled by the Client Operating System, with additional protection provided by optional LDAP, which is a common feature for the A-Class and other similar products.