These power and thermal output figures are derived from fully populated VTrak D5x0s and J5x0s chassis using SAS drives under full load.

Product Input Voltage (VAC) Power (Watts) Thermal Output (BTU/hour)
D5300 120 308 1051
D5320 120 385 1315
D5600 120 399 1361
D5800 120 460 1570
D5300 240 303 1033
D5320 240 378 1289
D5600 240 364 1242
D5800 240 455 1553


Product Power (Watts) Thermal Output (BTU/hour)
J5320s 286 974
J5300s 286 974
J5600s 547 1866
J5800s 547 1866
J5910s 970 3309
J5920s 1300 4436


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