I just added SANLink2 with my New Mac Pro to my VTrak A-Class SAN. I’m trying to mount the file system on the client and the client software tells me there is “no export path”.
Normally Vtrak A-Class will automatically LUN Map any new client workstation using SANLink2.
SANLink1 is fine as well as other Fibre Channel Host bus adapters. You will have to manually add SANLink2 to the VTrak A-Class LUN Mapping table using our CLI (command line interface).
The next driver release for SANLink2 will address the auto LUN Mapping with our GUI.
Meanwhile follow these steps:
1. Look up the SANLink2 WWPN from your system profiler “Fibre Channel”properties on your Mac Host:
FibreChannel Domain 0:
PortWorld Wide Name: 24:01:00:01:55:57:D4:76
Fibre Channel Domain 1:
Port World Wide Name: 24:02:00:01:55:57:D4:76
Open the Vtrak A-Class CLI: ssh administrator@
Login using the default administrator and password
Lastlogin: Tue Apr 1 12:51:55 on ttys000
manojme6410:~ test$ ssh administrator@
administrator@'s password:
Promise VTrak Command Line Interface (CLI) Utility
Version: 1.09.0000.18 Build Date: Mar 17, 2014
Type help or ? to display all the available commands
2. You want to add the WWPN of the SANLink2 to list of devices using the “initiator”command:
administrator@cli> ? initiator
Usage: initiator [-a <action>] [-i <Index>] [-c <Count>]
initiator -a add [-i <Index>]-n <Name>
initiator -a del -i <Index>
Initiator will display information about the current initiator list
as well as the ability to add or delete an initiator.
-a <action> Which action to perform.
list (Default)Displays the current initiator list.
add Add an initiator to the list.
del Delete an initiator from the list.
-i <Index> Used to specify the index of the initiator. For -a list
0..2047 option,it is the starting index and may be used with -c
option.For other options, it is the specific index.
Caution:For -a add option, if the index specified is
already in use, the existing initiator name is
overwritten with new name.
-c <Count> Used to specify the number of initiators to be listed.
Only used with -a list option.
-n <Name> Used to specify the name of the initiator.
For an iSCSI host interface product, the name should be
the initiator's iSCSI name, e.g.
Fora Fibre Channel host interface product, the name
should be the initiator's WWPN in hex format, e.g.
Fora SAS host interface product, the name
should be the initiator's SAS address in hex format,
For slot based lun mapping product, the first byte
is slot id. For example, for slot 2, the name is
initiator -i 1 -c 2
initiator -a add -niqn.vendorcompany.com
Type " | more" at the end of each command, to display info page bypage.
administrator@cli> initiator -a add -n 24-01-00-01-55-57-D4-76
administrator@cli> initiator -a add -n 24-02-00-01-55-57-D4-76
NOTE: notice I replaced the “:” with “-”
Step 3. Check to make sure new “index” is present by typing “initiator” for the initiator in question:
administrator@cli> initiator
Index: 0 Name: 24-01-00-01-55-57-d4-76
Index: 1 Name: 24-02-00-01-55-57-d4-76
4. Next step is to look up the “lunmap” command by typing “? lunmap”
administrator@cli> ? lunmap
Usage: lunmap [-a <action>] [-i <InitiatorId>] [-t <TargetId>][-r <CtrlId>]
[-p<PortId>] [-c <Count>]
lunmap -a addld -i <InitiatorId>[-l <LdIdList>] [-m <LunMap>]
lunmap -a delld -i <InitiatorId>[-l <LdIdList>]
lunmap -a add [-i <InitiatorId>]-n <Name> [-l <LdIdList>] [-m <LunMap>]
lunmap -a del -i <InitiatorId>
lunmap -a enable
lunmap -a disable
lunmap command displays information about the current LUN mapping and
masking (LMM) table information and enables you to add, modify,
and delete LMM entries. LMM can be enabled or disabled.
-a <action> Which action to perform.
list (Default)Displays the current LMM table.
enable Enables LMM.
disable Disables LMM.
add Adds an LMM entry and its LUN maps to the table.
del Deletes an LMM entry from the table.
addld Adds or modifies an LUN map for an existing LMM entry.
delld Deletes a LUN map for an existing LMM entry.
mod Specifies LUN mapping type.
Please note that target based LUN mapping can only
be specified for iSCSI host interface.
-r <CtrlId> Specifies the Ctrl ID for a port-based LMM entry.
Valid only for Fibre Channel host interface.
-p <PortId> Specifies the Port ID for a port-based LMM entry.
Valid only for Fibre Channel host interface.
-i <InitiatorId> Specifies the initiator ID for an initiator based
0..2047 LMMentry. For -a list option, it is the starting index.
Maybe used with -c option.
-t <TargetId> Specifies the target ID for target based LMM entry.
0..2047 Valid only for iSCSI host interface.
-c <Count> Specifies the number of LMM entries to be listed.
Only used with -a list option.
-n <Name> Specifies the initiator name.
For iSCSI host interface, the name is the initiator's
iSCSIname, such as iqn.vendorcompany.com
For Fibre Channel host interface, the name is the
initiator's WWPN in hex format,
such as aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff-11-22
For SAS host interface, the name is the SAS address,
such as aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff-11-22
For slot-based LUN mapping, the first byte is the
slotID. Example for slot 2,
the name is 02-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
-l <Ld ID list> Specifies the logical drive IDs.
-m <LUN map list> Specifies the LUN mapping values.
0..1023 Please check the maximum number of LUNs supported by
-s "<option>=<value>"
Specifies settings for LMM entry.
Modifies an LMM entry.
initiator For initiator-based LUN mapping.
target For target-based LUN mapping.
port For port-based LUN mapping.
lunmap -i 1 -c 2
lunmap -a addld -i 1 -l 2 -m 2
lunmap -a delld -i 1 -l 2
lunmap -a enable
lunmap -a add -n iqn.promise.com -l0,1 -m 0,1
Type " | more" at the end of each command, to display info page by page.
5. You want to map only the data LUNs and not expose your meta data LUN.
In my case I have two data LUNs I want to map. You can also issue the “logdrv”command
To view your existing LUNs on the VTrak A-Class
lunmap-a add -n 24-01-00-01-55-57-d4-76 -l 1,2 -m 1,2
lunmap -a add -n 24-02-00-01-55-57-d4-76 -l 1,2 -m 1,2
Initiator 0 Name: 24-01-00-01-55-57-d4-76
| LdId LUN | LdId LUN | LdId LUN | LdId LUN |
| 1 1 | 2 2 |
Initiator 1 Name: 24-02-00-01-55-57-d4-76
| LdId LUN | LdId LUN | LdId LUN | LdId LUN |
| 1 1 | 2 2 |
6. Proceed to mount the file system using the VTrak AClass Client software utility.
Using SANLink2 8Gb Fibre Channel to connect with VTrak A-Class may get "no export path" error
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- Last Post 23 April 2014
Ken Chou
posted this
23 April 2014