A failed or problematic drive in the Pegasus R12 system is indicated by:

- Red Drive: Indicates a failed drive.
- Orange Drive: Indicates a problematic drive that may require replacement.
- Events Log: Provides additional information about drive issues.

Steps to Replace a Failed Drive:

1. Obtain a Replacement Drive:
Ensure the new drive matches the specifications of the original drive:
- Type: Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
- Interface: SATA (3 Gb/s or 6 Gb/s)
- Spin Speed: 7,200 RPM or 15,000 RPM
- Capacity: Equal to or larger than the failed drive

Note: While it is not mandatory to use the same make and model, doing so simplifies the replacement process.

2. Prepare for Replacement:
- You can replace the drive without shutting down the Pegasus unit. 
- Identify the failed or problematic drive through the Promise Utility Pro user interface.

3. Replace the Drive:
- Remove the failed drive carefully.
- Insert the replacement drive into the same slot.

Follow detailed instructions for steps 2 and 3 using the references below:

4. Verify Drive Status:

- Check the Promise Utility Pro interface to ensure the system recognizes the new drive.
- Monitor the rebuild process if the RAID array starts rebuilding automatically.

 Additional Notes:
- Always verify the new drive meets or exceeds the original drive's specifications.
- Use the Promise Utility Pro to monitor system health and log events for troubleshooting.