Before contacting Promise Technical Support for any Pegasus3 or Pegasus32 Series issues, please prepare the Service Report by following these steps:

1. Open Promise Utility Pro
- Navigate to Go > Applications > Promise Utility Pro on your Mac.

2. Select the Device
- Click the Thunderbolt/USB icon.
- Choose the Pegasus3 or Pegasus32 device.

3. Unlock Controls
- Go to the Controls tab.
- Click the lock icon to unlock it.
- Enter your Mac system username and password, then click OK.

4. Generate the Service Report
- Click the “…” icon.
- Select Device Service Report.
- Save the file with the default naming format: Service Report_MM_DD_Year_Hour_Minute.
- Choose the Desktop as the save location.

5. Save the Report
- Click Save to complete.