In order to determine if your controller is revision B1 or B3, you must find the serial number of the CONTROLLER - which is located in controller information:

[Controller Info]


CtrlId: 1


OperationalStatus: OK             PowerOnTime: 3075 hours 12 minutes

ControllerRole: Primary           ReadinessStatus:Active

LUNAffinity: Enabled              LunmappingMethod: WWN Based

CacheUsagePercentage: 0%          DirtyCachePercentage:0%


PartNo: F29000022000033           SerialNo:M42H09709900268

HWRev: A2R1.5                     WWN: 2100-0001-55d2-3e1     

CmdProtocol: SCSI-3

MemType: DDR2 SDRAM               MemSize: 2GB

FlashType: Flash Memory           FlashSize:32MB

NVRAMType: SRAM                   NVRAMSize: 127KB

The numbers which we will concern ourselves with are the six digits which follow the "H":

SerialNo: M42H09
On a Fiber Channel controller, if this number is greater than 08x110, then the controller is revision B3 or higher.
On a SAS controller, if this number is greater than 09x031, then the controller is revision B3 or higher.