AsymmetricLogical Unit Access (ALUA) is a new feature on VTrak. VTrak supports ALUA on the latest Linuxdistributions:
• RedHat LinuxRHEL 5.4
• SuSE Linux SLES 10 SP3
• SuSE Linux SLES 11
Promise provides RPM packages and multipath.conf files forALUA. Please download them here:®ion=en-US&rsn1=24
RedHat Linux RHEL 5.4
To support ALUA within RHEL 5.4 using the default kernel (without XEN or PAE
1. installthe new scsidhalua RPM package.
#> rpm -ivh scsidhaluaVTrak-1-1.i386(x8664).rpm
2. Copy the Promise-supplied multipath.conf file to the /etc directory.
#> cp multipath.conf-vtrak-alua-rhel5-4 /etc/multipath.conf
To support ALUA within RHEL 5.4 using XEN or PAE:
1. Rebuild the scsidhalua file with the source RPM package.
#> rpm -ivh scsidhaluaVTrak-1-1.src.rpm
#> cd /usr/src/redhat/SPEC
#> rpmbuild -ba scsidhalau.spec
2. Copy the Promise-supplied multipath.conf file to the /etc directory.
#> cp multipath.conf-vtrak-alua-rhel5-4 /etc/multipath.conf
3. Check your file system architecture ( x8664/i386).
#> uname -a
4. Move therebuilt RPM package to the RPM directory.
#> cd /usr/src/redhat/RPM/i386 (x8664)
5. Install the rebuilt RPM package.
#> rpm -ivh scsidhaluaVTrak-1-1.i386(x8664).rpm
To support ALUA within SLES10 SP3:
1. Do one ofthe following actions.
• Remove the current multipath-tools package and install the new RPM
#> rpm -ev multipath-tools-xxx
#> rpm -ivh multipath-tools-0.4.7-
• Force install the new multipath-tool RPM package.
#> rpm -ivh -force multipath-tools-0.4.7-
2. Copy the Promise-supplied multipath.conf file to the /etc directory.
#> cp multipath.conf-vtrak-alua-sles10-sp3 /etc multipath.conf
3. Set torun at boot time.
#> chkconfig multipathd on
#> chkconfig boot.multipath on
4. Check multipathstatus.
#> chkconfig multipathd
#> chkconfig boot.multipath
5. Reboot the VTrak.
To support ALUA within SLES11:
1. Check your system architecture( x8664/i386).
#> uname -a
2. Install the multipath-tool library RPM package.
#> rpm -ivh multipath-promise-suse11-0.4.8-
3. Copy the Promise-supplied multipath.conf file to the /etc directory.
#> cp multipath.conf-vtrak-alua-sles11 /etc multipath.conf
4. Set to run at boot time.
#> chkconfig multipathd on
5. Check multipath status.
#> chkconfig multipathd
6. Reboot the VTrak.