·  Enable LVM Resignaturing on the first ESX host:

  1. Log in to the ESX host with VI Client. 
  2. Click the Configuration tab. 
  3. Select the Advanced setting option. 
  4. Choose the LVM section. 
  5. Set the value of LVM.EnableResignaturing to 1
  6. Save the change. 
  7. Click the storage adapter tab. 
  8. Click Rescan Adapter located at the top right corner of the interface. 

    Note: There is no need to select an HBA. All are rescanned.
  9. Leave the default option and proceed.

    You are now able to see the VMFS volumes with labels prefixed with
  10. Once done please undo Resignature

·  Disable LVM Resignaturing:

  1. Log on to the ESX host with VI client. 
  2. Click the Configuration tab. 
  3. Select the Advanced setting option. 
  4. Choose the LVM section. 
  5. Set the value of LVM.EnableResignaturing to 0
  6. Save the change.

    No snapshot messages are visible in