Table of Contents
A. How to Reset the Apollo 2 Duo (macOS)
B. How to Reset the Apollo 2 Duo (Windows)

Note: Resetting the Apollo from the utility, will erase all the contents and data associated with the device.
In addition, this will un-claim the device from the owner of the Apollo 2 Duo.

Only the owner of the Apollo 2 Duo can reset the Apollo.

A. How to Reset the Apollo 2 Duo (macOS)

  1. Open the Apollo Utility app, and click on the gear icon in the utility

  2. Click on the Settings icon.
  3. Click on Reset button at the bottom of the page to reset the Apollo 2 Duo.

B. How to Reset the Apollo 2 Duo (Windows)

  1. Open the Apollo Utility and Click on the gear icon in the utility.

  2. Click on the Settings icon.
  3. Click on the Reset button in the page to reset the Apollo 2 Duo.

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