You can export the User database and Event subscription setup from one subsystem to a TFTP server and then repeatedly import it to other VTrak subsystems. This works on both M-Class and E-Class subsystems.

Here is the CLI command's help entry:


Usage:   export -t <fileType> [-s <tftpServer>] [-p <port>] -f <fileName>

Summary: export certain type of configuration files to remote or local host.


-t <file type>       Specifies what type of file to export.
   userdb            User database file. This file type is not applicable for
                     in-band and can only be exported to remote host.
   subsystem         Subsystem information file. This file is exported to
                     remote host for embedded and local host for in-band.
-f <file name>       Specifies the name of the file to be exported.
-s <TFTP server>     Specifies tftp server's IP or host name. Do not specify
                     TFTP server for in-band.
-p <port num>        The port number of the TFTP server. Default is 69. Do
                     not specify port number for in-band.

   export -t userdb -s -f userdb.xml
   export -t subsystem -s -f subsystem.txt # for embedded
   export -t subsystem -f subsystem.txt  # for in-band


Usage:   import -t <fileType> -s <tftpServer> -f <fileName> [-p <port>] [-i]

Summary: import certain type of configuration files from remote host.


-t <file type>       Specifies what type file to import.
   userdb            User database file.
-s <TFTP server>     Specifies tftp server's IP or host name.
-f <file name>       Specifies the name of the file to import.
-p <port num>        The port number of the TFTP server. Default is 69.
-i                   Get format validation information about imported file
                     only. File is not really applied to subsystem yet.

   import -t userdb -s -f userdb.xml