The WOL feature is disabled by default, and it can be enabled by using WebPAM Pro E and selecting the Network Management option.

Wake up system via Ethernet when system is in the standby mode or in the time interval of scheduling power-off.

Wake on LAN (WOL) support is integrated on the system board of a computer and the network interface, and is not dependent on the operating system running on the hardware, although the operating system can sometimes control the WOL behavior. A plug in NIC will require cable connection; Integrated Ethernet controllers that support WOL do not need a cable.

You could use the following web links for 3rd party software download towake up VessRAID through Ethernet.






These utilities mainly turn on a remote PC from its IP Address, if this was previously stored in the cache, otherwise you should write the MAC Address of the remote PC. You can also check the state of a determined host by sending a Ping package to the desired IP or Host.

Due to limitations of WOL, it onlyfunctions on machines belonging to the local network; remote connectivity through the Internet is not possible. To be able to turn on a remote PC, this must be on sleep mode.