Atlas I/O Performance Disclaimer on macOS

We have recently discovered that customers using the antivirus software ESET Cyber Security on macOS, will encounter write performance degradation. If high write performance is crucial to your environment, we encourage you to temporarily disable the kernel extensions that the application installs and uninstall the ESET Cyber Security antivirus software. 

As of now, we have determined that the kernel extensions and processes that ESET Cyber Security runs on macOS, consumes and allocates too many resources; which in result, degrades write performance. Not only does this affect the write performance on the Atlas, we have also determined that this issue is also seen on other NAS vendors that we've tested on macOS.

Promise Technology is currently investigating the issue, and this disclaimer will be updated once we have a solution where both ESET Cyber Security and the file-level services from the Atlas, can simultaneously run together without affecting write performance.

 How to uninstall Eset Cyber Security on macOS

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