The Vtrak E-Class (VTE) series product starting in Service Release 2.3 will offer the ability to enable debug prints. Debug prints allow the support engineers to further diagnose problems encountered with the Promise Vtrak. How do you capture the debug prints? How do you enable debug prints? What other information is useful to help support better support you?
1. You can capture the debug prints by doing the following: Make sure you are connected to the RJ11 to RS232 connector on each IO RAID Controller of the VTE unit. For each serial connection open a hyperterminal session (see Vtrak Promise user manual for proper baud rate). Once you have Hyperterminal configured make sure to capture the output to a file. Do the same for the remaining controller if running dual controllers.
2. You can enable the debug prints from CLI: "debug -a enable -n fw" (do the same for the remaining controller). See example below:
administrator@cli> ? debug
debug [-a <action>] [...]
debug -a list [-c <count>]
debug -a mod -s "<list of settings>"
debug -a export [-t <log type>] -s <TFTP server> [-p <port num>]
Debug is used to process special debug functions, such as to view to change
the controller debug level, and to export debug log.
-a <action> Which action to perform.
list list debug info of the controller
mod modify debug settings of the controller
export export debug log(s) of the current controller.
This action is not applicable for in-band.
enable enalbe debug of component. For embedded only.
disable disable debug of component. For embedded only.
dump dump debug information of component. For embedded only.
-c <count> The count of the controller.
The default is maximum number of controller(s) supported
by the subsystem.
-n <component name> Specifies the component name to enable or disable debug.
fw firmware.
-s "<option>=<value>"
Used to specify which settings to change.
level= The debug level of the controller.
silent no debug message will be logged
fatal only fatal error message will be logged
error error and fatal error message will be logged
warning warning, error and fatal error messages will be logged
info all messages will be logged
-t <log type> Which type of debug log to export
iscsi (Default) export iSCSI crash log. This option is valid
only for iSCSI host interface product.
-s <TFTP server> The ip address or host name of the TFTP server,
the debug log on to
-p <port num> The port number of the TFTP server. Default is 69.
debug -a mod -s "level=warning"
debug -a export -t iscsi -s # not applicable for in-band
Type " | more" at the end of each command, to display info page by page.
3. It is also extremely helpful if you provide the "subsysteminfo" file via Web Pam or CLI. You can retrieve the subsysteminfo via WebPam by clicking on the left hand side on the tree menu on the IP link. Once you click on the IP Link on the left hand side you will be able to save the subsysteminfo file by clicking on the "Save" button.
Via CLI you will have to use the "export" command. Make sure you specify your tftp IP address when issuing export command. See example below:
Promise Command Line Interface (CLI) Utility
Login: administrator
Password: ********
Type help or ? to display all the available commands
Type menu to enter Menu Driven Configuration Utility
administrator@cli> ? export
Usage: export -t <fileType> [-s <tftpServer>] [-p <port>] -f <fileName>
export certain type of configuration files to remote or local host.
-t <file type> Specifies what type of file to export.
userdb User database file. This file type is not applicable for
in-band and can only be exported to remote host.
servicereport System service report file. This file is exported to
remote host for embedded and local host for in-band.
-f <file name> Specifies the name of the file to be exported.
-s <TFTP server> Specifies tftp server's IP or host name. Do not specify
TFTP server for in-band.
-p <port num> The port number of the TFTP server. Default is 69. Do
not specify port number for in-band.
export -t userdb -s -f userdb.bin
export -t servicereport -s -f servicereport.txt # for embedded
export -t servicereport -f servicereport.txt # for in-band
Type " | more" at the end of each command, to display info page by page.